Course curriculum

    1. Intro to the 5 Day Strategies Workshop

    1. Module 1: Discover Your Brand Message, Attract Your Perfect Client, and Make An Irresistible Offer

    2. Module 2: 10 Ways To Discover Your Competition

    3. Module 3A: Find Your Target Audience

    4. Module 3B: Identify the Pain Points of Your Target Audience

    5. Module 3C: Identify Challenges That Are Associated with Each Pain Point

    6. Module 3D: Show the Final Transformation & Hook Them

    7. Module 3E: Create Your Distinct Selling Offer and Call to Action

    8. Strategy 1 Workbook & Resources

    9. Book Your Strategy 1 Coaching Call

    1. Module 1: Intro + 6 Mistakes To Avoid

    2. Module 2: 7 Steps To Create A Social Media Campaign

    3. Module 3: Social Media Influencer Tips

    4. Module 4: Technical Gadgets Needed to Create Amazing Video Content

    5. Module 5: Social Media Marketing Costs and Distribution

    6. Bonus 5A: Learn More on How to Amp Up Your Media Distribution to Get Your Business Noticed Everywhere!

    7. Module 6: A Conversation With Instagram Reels Expert Monty Lans!

    8. Strategy 2 Workbook & Resources

    9. Book Your Strategy 2 Coaching Call

    1. Module 1: Options For Writing Your Book: Publisher vs. Self Publish

    2. Module 2: How To Write Your Book Proposal

    3. Module 3: How To Write a Book In No Time-Step by Step With The Lucky 7 Method

    4. Module 4: How To Upload Your Book To Amazon

    5. Module 6: 6 Figure Celebrity Brand Plan

    6. Module 5: A Conversation With #1 Best Selling Book Strategist and Coach Sandi Masori

    7. Strategy 3 Workbook & Resources

    8. Book Your Strategy 3 Coaching Call

    1. Module 1: 4 Types of Media

    2. Module 2: Public Relations 101

    3. Module 3 (a): 4 KEY Things To Prepare For Media Publicity

    4. Module (3b) Press Kit

    5. Module (3c) Media Pitch

    6. Module 4 (a): Reach Major News Outlets With Press Releases

    7. Module 4(b): Quick Press Release Ideas

    8. Module 4(c): National News Distribution Services Newswire distribution

    9. Module 4 (d) Get Noticed On Social Media Platforms With National Social Media Distribution Services

    10. Module 5: Look Like True Expert with an Expert Focused Website

    11. Strategy 4 Workbooks & Resources

    12. Book Your Strategy 4 Coaching Call

    1. Module 1: Build Key Relationships

    2. Module 2: What is an Elevator Pitch?

    3. Module 3: How To Make Contact With Celebrities

    4. Module 4A: Networking and How To Create Your Dream List

    5. Module (4B): Introducing...Dream List Software!

    6. Module 5: 6 Ways To Make People Like You

    7. Strategy 5 Workbook & Resources

    8. Book Your Strategy 5 Coaching Call

    9. Bonus: How To Get Raving Referrals, Create More Income, Influence & Impact For You

About this course

  • Free
  • 50 lessons
  • 10.5 hours of video content